First time fishing in the rain. |
Yup, it’s true. I won the lottery! Oh wait, you think I mean a lottery that involves a large payout of cash. Well in that case, no, I did not win the lottery, at least that kind of lottery. Let me explain myself. A couple of days ago I stepped into my home office to write an extremely witty post for my blog. I however was thwarted... rebuffed... turned away from my task. You see, when I entered my office I was met by my little girl, her name is Morgan and she is nine years old, or “going on ten” if you ask her. She was sitting at my desk frantically typing on the computer. As frantic as someone typing using the “hunt and peck” method can anyway. She lifted her angelic face, looked directly at me, and said, “Get out!” I quickly stepped back into the hallway wondering what the heck just happened!
That's a mighty big brown trout you have there! |
I left her alone for the next half hour. She was busy typing something on the computer and I was dying to know what it was! What could it be? Was it a note to her first boyfriend? I hoped not. I am very happy being the only boy that matters in my daughter’s life thank you very much! Was it a story that she would later want to read to Mom and Dad? She is quite the author. I tell her all the time that she might want to consider writing children’s books. I hear there is a real need for them. Was she doing some highly specialized math that involves quantum physics? I doubted it, but you never know with her.
After quite some time, my daughter finally summoned me in to the computer room. She looked at me with that angelic face of hers once again and said, “Daddy, I wrote this for you.” The following is what she wrote:
Me and my dad go fishing often. We have so much fun, me & him stay out for two hours. I have the greatest time. Dad goes fishing with all his fiends but I know we have the best time. He catches all kinds of fish . I only know how to catch trout and blue gill. Dad always is Quizzing me, but its satisfying and helps you know your fish better. I have to hand it to him he’s an Average Joe Fisherman. I love my dad
So what do you think? Did I win the lottery?
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